Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Grandpa's Helper

So after 3 years, our front door has taken a beating. Mainly from the afternoon sun that hits it. When my parents came for Christmas I had my dad help us stain the door. Took us 2 days to do it, mainly because its a bit colder now, but it looks AWESOME! My dad did a great job! I helped sand it, but thats about as involved as I got.
Well it took the guys a bit to put the door back up. You know Caleb wants to be with the guys now and do what they are doing. He's BIG into imitation right now. Here is Caleb learning...

Another short story to tell you. David and I are working to remove the pacifier from Caleb...its getting hard. We know when he wants it too. When my parents where here, my dad could actually reason with him and convince Caleb to give him the pacifier!!!!! David and I stared in amazement....that DOES NOT work for us. All my dad had to do was ask for it, and Caleb would hand it over. SPEECHLESS! Of course now that they have left, its gone back to NOT working!!!

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