Tuesday, July 14, 2009

When does the "uncomfortable phase" set in?

Uh...right about NOW! I knew it would come, and Im suprised I made it this far. But yes, now Im very uncomfortable! I cant find a good position to sleep, sit, stand, or walk in...lol. Everytime Caleb moves, which I still love, it hurts. Its true, love DOES HURT! All I can do is look down at my belly and tell Caleb "Im sorry mommy has no more room for you. If you want to stretch you need to come out."
Ive also found a few stretch marks. Of course I did not think I could go the whole pregnancy without them, but Ive been blessed to make it this far and only get a few. Instead of stretch marks they should be referred to as "war wounds" or "battle scars".
Im 36 weeks +, I'll be 37 this Friday, which is technically considered full-term. Caleb's room is completely finished, his clothes and bedding are washed, and he can come at anytime now. Ive even got my bag packed (for the most part).

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