Wow! Life with 2 kids is crazy busy! I swear I dont know what I did with all my spare time before I had kids....its a distant memory. My spare time is spent SLEEPING! :) It can be stressful, but I do love it.
Ethan will be 6 months old this month! OMG where has the time gone! Hes a chunky monkey for sure! I dont doubt he weighs over 20 lbs. Hes in 9-12mo clothing already. We call him our Michelin Man and Mr. Needy. He is VERY needy...always wants the attention. See the pics below how cute he looks. Ethan is working on a tooth, working on sitting up by himself, talks a lot, laughs, and is on baby food. Hes growing up so fast.
Caleb is doing great as well. He is in Preschool 1 at school and he doing awesome. The class is now more structured as it will be when he starts kindergarten. He is so smart too! I wish I could record the things that come out of his mouth!
He is such an awesome big brother! He loves to give Ethan hugs and kisses, and he will do WHATEVER it takes to get a laugh out of him. I try so hard sometimes to get him to laugh, but Caleb comes along and act like superman and the laughter just starts. Ethan looks at him with such love and amazement. Its beautiful to watch.