Monday, May 3, 2010

We're Getting There!!

Caleb can almost get up on all fours!!!! David and I have been helping him put his knees under him the past week. Hes actually starting to do it himself a little, and when we help him, he can stay in position for a bit. So we are getting close to crawling!!! You can tell he wants to crawl so bad. He gets on his stomach and moves his legs like he wants to crawl, then gets so mad when he cant figure it out. Hes getting good at standing too. He loves his jumper, so David and I put him in it often (especially when we cant watch him). Hes tarting to stand more than letting his legs hang, so he might not crawl for long.

Caleb went for his 9 mo. appt. last week. He's 20 pounds, 15 oz, and hes 28 1/2 inches long. He already in some 12mo He can understand "no", we are working on waving bye-bye. He says dadada, bababa, nununun, mumumum, and a couple of other babble sounds. Still no teeth though. Oh and hes also discovered his "private parts" Everytime we go to change his diaper, his hands go south! Its something new for him, but its very funny to watch.

Im working on introducing some table far he likes mashed bananas egg yolks, mac-n-cheese, rasins (gotta be careful, these act like prunes), gerber puffs, and teething biscuts. Im working on some other items like fruits and cheeses, but the new texture is really throwing him for a loop! I just keep trying and he eventually realizes that he does like the food...haha!

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